Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Monday, September 10, 2007
When you dream theres a chance you'll find a little laughter, or happy ever after.
I just realize I've been updating very often lately. Which is so not the right time since PMR is so near. And I'm not really panicky about it. YET. Which isn't good cuz during UPSR i freaked out like when it was just 1 month more. Dammit somethings wrong with me. -___-

I feel exceptionally tired today. I wonder why....
I tell everyone that I don't like you anymore but secretly I still hope that I willl marry you one day. (;
I will go do that Progam Intan, Berlian, Mutiara thingy now. And I will do Zen's tag tomorrow. I will. Night yall. Sweet dreams you. (;

Ahahaha. =P
With lotsa love,
Hazel. :]
9:33 PM
Sunday, September 9, 2007
I'm finding that You, and You alone can break my fall.

Maybe if I keep my distance
You might actually start to miss me.
Went to mamak with my dad just now. He had a ciggy which he wasn't suppose to cuz he supposedly told my mom he already quit smoking. I threatened him that I would tell my mom about it which he knows he would get endless amount of scolding and long annoying lectures. He got scared which is something he seldom does and it was so hilarious. I felt so powerful. Mwuahahahahaha. >:) But I'm not that mean, I'm not gonna tell my mom. Or at least I don't think I will. (;
Hoo Boy its getting late I'm off to Lala Land. Night Kiddies. Sweet dreams you. (:
P/s : I'll do Zen's tag tomorrow or once I find a baby picture of myself which will probably take ages cuz knowing me I'll procrastinate. :D
With lotsa love,
Hazel. :]
10:57 PM
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Take my hand, together we will celebrate.

I'm sorry this is not a very proper post but I'm too hungrayy to type. I'll write a better one later once I get some food. :D
We adore the ones who ignore us
and ignore the ones who adore us.
With lotsa love,
Hazel. :]
12:29 PM
Friday, September 7, 2007
You're part of me entity, here for eternity.
So now lets see. Looks like I've got a tag to do. Oh well here goes..
Name 10 Opposite Sex Friends Randomly
1. Jun.
2. Levin.
3. Wayne.
4. Melvin.
5. Shaun.
6. Gilbert Phoon.
7. Eric.
8. Aaron.
9. Kun.
10. Wee Giap.
Would you rather party with 1 or 7?
Err... Jun. { 1 } I think Jia would kill me if I party with Eric. { 7 } :D Not that I even want to anyway. Lol.
Marry 2 or 6?
Gilbert { 6 } I guess. Zen would KILL me, right hunn? :D
Kill 3 or 8?
Hahahaha! Wayne! { 3 } Cuz he got hepatitis B and likes Ellen Degeneres. :P
Date 9 or 10?
ERRRRRRRRRRR...... I guess I'll go for someone new. Kun. { 9 } x)
Make Out with 4 or 7?
LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!! I've no choice but to pick Mel. { 4 } Jia would punch me.
Cuddle With 6 or 8?
I'll take Gilbert { 6 }. Its less weird. lol.
Have Kids With 4 or 5?
Can I not answer this? Cuz i really don't know.. O.o
Live With 1 or 9?
Ehhh.... Jun { 1 } xD
Be Stuck on an Island with 2 or 5?
I'll take Levin { 2 }. His funny..
Trade Lives with 8 or 10?
{ 10 } .....
Wake Up Next To 4 or 9?
Kun { 9 } hands down. :D
Completely Disown 3 or 7?
Gahahahahaha. Eric { 7 } you'll have to go. :D
I don't know. Haven't really notice.. But i guess Gilbert { 6 }?
I'll take { 10 } . I know someone who'll agree with me on this.
LOL. I don't know...
I haven't seen any of their body's so I can't say..
I guess Kun { 9 }. Haven't really seen it though. Heard its really good. I've yet to see. :D
Now THAT I definitely don't know. -_-
Gilbert { 6 }.
A few more questions..
Has 3 ever hurt you?
Hahahaha. Definitely no.
Have you ever hurt 4?
Physically then i guess so.
Who's the funniest?
Levin. { 2 } LOL.
Can you beat up 8?
Yes. :D
When is the last time you saw 9?
Erm, Wednesday? O.o
Who's the smartest?
I'm gonna give this to Mel. { 4 }
How long have you known 2?
Since form 1 I guess.
What would you do if 1 and 6 started fighting?
AHAHAHAHAHAHA.. somehow I can imagine it. I'll sit and watch. :D
Who is 6 dating/crushing on?
His one and only ex who I shall not mention the name.
Does 7 smell good?
no. -_-
Who will you still be talking to in 15 years?
Hopefully all but I somehow I doubt it especially { 10 }.
I tag -
Whoever who wants to do this.
Okayy this i by far the weirdest post ever. Lol. I'm gonna hit the sheets now. Night folks. Sweet dreams you.. (;
With lotsa love,
Hazel. :]
11:57 PM
Thursday, September 6, 2007
But, My God its's so beautiful when the boy smiles.
With lotsa love,
Hazel. :]
1:10 PM
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Can someone help me unravel my latest mistake?
Got back some papers today. Boyy did i screw it up this time. Other then that it was just Mel, Louis, Aaron and i playing scrabble for the rest of the day. Its damn funny playing with them cuz Aaron just can't stop swearing and he over reacts on the littlest thing and I think his favorite word now is Jaguar. hahahahahahaha. Oh yeah, one time it was my turn to take my 7 letters fro the green baggy sack thingy and my first four letters were DotA. Wtf man.. Lols.. Melvin said i could get extra points if I put it. Stupid boy.. Oh! pictures..
Zen said she did some Picasa effect shit with this picture. Which is the effect that makes the picture look a lil bit blurry and fuzzy. Which is nice. I just think we moved the camera too fast thats all. -_- And Picasa sucks. The effects are normal. You can even get the effects from Nero.
Oh shit, daddy's coming. Gtg. Night kids. Sweet dreams you.
With lotsa love,
Hazel. :]
11:40 PM
Monday, September 3, 2007
Another colour turns grey.
I believe in love, lust and romance.I don't want everything to add up into some perfect equation.I want chaos and mess.And i want someone to go crazy, out of his mind for me.
I'm gonna go OU now with Zen and her mom. So much for studying right? LOL.
I bid you farewell. for now. x)
Just reached back home from Zen's. Wooohh... So yeah, where was I? Oh right, ou. Erm, went to ou then went to Gap to change Levin's shirt cuz he said it was a size too small. It looks humongous to me. -_- Later on, went to A&W's to get a coney dog and went back home to watch She's the Man.
I think Grey's anatomy is haunting me for some reason. It seems like every song I download has something to do with it. For example, this afternoon Zen just randomly played a song which is Just breathe by Anna Nalick and I swear I heard it from Grey's before during one of those rainy days in Seattle and they lost a patient and Mer is running away from Derek or something. Or maybe just going back home after a long day of work. AHHHHHHH!!! Season 4 of Grey's Anatomy is finally coming out end of this month!! To be more exact its on the 27th. Its premiering on ABC and on the 26th, Private Practice is premiering. Gahhhh can't wait! I'm gonna download every single one of the freaking episodes and watch it after PMR. Yeah mann.. I can watch it the whole entire night till the next morning and theres absolutely nothing my momma can say to stop me cuz i'm FREEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okayyyyy i sound like a maniac. I shall have some self control. So now, I will get off the laptop and take any book and study. Yes, i will do that. I hope. Lol.
Night my dears. Sleep Tight. Sweet Dreams. (:
I know I'm not a lot of things you've gone for in the past, I know. But I would never leave you, I would never hurt you & I will never stop loving you.
- Grey's Anatomy, George O'Malley-
With lotsa love,
Hazel. :]
2:01 PM
Sunday, September 2, 2007
new link <3
With lotsa love,
Hazel. :]
9:27 PM